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The general public has many questions that may or may not be answered in this portion. If you are unable to find the answer to your specific question, please navigate to the "Contact" portion of the site and send David an email directly.

Q. What is the difference between a Coroner and a Medical Examiner?

A. A Medical Examiner is required to be a Licensed Physicican in the State of Colorado.

Q. When somone dies, who can pronounce their death?


A. There are only 2 persons that may pronounce the death of an individual. The Coroner or a Licensed Physician. Mid Level Health care providers (Physician Assistants/ Nurse Practitioners) are not authorized to pronounce the death of a person unless they are the Coroner or Deputy Coroner.

Q. Who generates a Death Certificate when a person dies?

A. The death certificate is generated by the Funeral Home and, is a legal document that requires information from many sources including the signature and certification of all information (i.e. cause, manner and time of death) from the Coroner/Attending Physician. However, in the event of a death investigation or inquest requested by the Coroner, the death certificate shall be issued by the Coroner upon the conclusion of said investigation in accordance with C.R.S. 30-10-606 (4) (a)




Q. Who determines the Cause and Manner of death?

A. Through thorough investigation, collection of evidence, pertinent history of the decedent, the environment and other information, the Coroner will determine the cause and manner of death. The information may include the results of a post mortem examination by a Medical Examiner to assist in making those determinations.


Q. Doesn't the Coroner have to be a Doctor?

A. No. Under C.R.S . 30-10-601.5, the qualifications of a County Coroner are:


a) A citizen of the United States


b) Has earned a High School Diploma


c) Has provided a set of Fingerprints to the Colorado Bureau Of Investigation and has passed a finger-print based Criminal History & Background Check.


d) Is the successful candidate in an election for the Office of Coroner for the County.


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